
Diablo 2 act 3 quest 5
Diablo 2 act 3 quest 5

Unfortunately, the defensive magic is weakening, so he needs you to retrieve a sacred blade to revitalize the enchantment called the Gidbinn. Once you've completed the first quest, speak to Hralti, he'll tell you of the enchantment he placed on the Docks to keep the demons out of the city.

diablo 2 act 3 quest 5

When you kill it, the corpse will drop a Jaded Figurine-loot it up. Head on through the jungle until you run into what will most likely be a group of Thorn Hulks with a Unique leading the pack. You'll run into the Dark Wanderer the first time you step outside of Kurast Docks-follow him, and he'll soon turn into a few Flesh Beasts. The first quest in Act III is a relatively easy one. Natalya: Another non-essential NPC, Natalya will talk to you about whichever quest you're on but will never be a necessary character during the entirety of Act III. Meshif: Meshif hangs around the town if you have to get back to Lut Gholein manually.

diablo 2 act 3 quest 5

Ormus: The magic trader of Kurast Docks, Ormus will be your healer as well as Wand/Staff/Scepter dealer. Hratli: This priest is the local blacksmith and sells high-quality armor, both magical and mundane.

diablo 2 act 3 quest 5

She also sells magical armor and weapons, as well as arrows and bolts.ĭeckard Cain: Cain will appear in the town square to advise you on quests and identify items for you. Asheara: The local mercenary captain, you can hire the Iron Wolves from her.

Diablo 2 act 3 quest 5